religion Archives | Cinque Terre Riviera


Riomaggiore San Giovanni Celebrations

San Giovanni Celebrations take place in Riomaggiore on June 24th with a typical procession and gastronomic stalls. You will have to be there!

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The Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception is one of the most important festivals of Catholic Religion. It falls on December 8: it’s the rights time for a trip! Traditionally on this date every village has celebrations of various type, the most important one: the lightning of the Nativity Scene in Manarola

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Levanto San Giacomo Festival

The celebrations for San Giacomo, Saint Patron of Levanto, take place on 24 and 25 July in Levanto. Not to be missed the historical procession, the typical parades, the candles lit on the waters and fantastic fireworks!

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